This is my favourite place in the woods, 5 minutes from my home. The primeval greenery and reflections in the water are inspirational! |
This is ME! Totally NOT asleep- just engrossed taking photos.
Pic Credit Danny Fowler |
I'm Linzi Alford of
MagPie In The Sky, and am "proper chuffed " to be here with you for the first of three blog hops that will be the Build a Line Challenge from B'sue Boutiques.
Firstly a bit about the challenge, (click to read
Brenda's Blog post about the challenge- opens in a new window)
The challenge is really an education from Brenda Sue of
B'sue Boutiques where she will give us all (and we number nearly 60 from all over the world! ) the benefit of her considerable experience in the business . There will be 3 Hops that span three months .
All of us will be working hard to create a line of jewellery and have a coherent thought process . Coherent ? Me ?
At the end, we will reveal a complete line of jewellery with a minimum of five pieces all individually designed and constructed from start to finish by US .
So let me begin by talking about ME - a bit about myself and my background, and why I decided to be part of this challenge.
I am from the NW of England, Miss Potter country for those who have seen the film- I live on the edge of the English Lake District ,beautiful lakes and mountains.
I am lucky enough to have been making jewellery for 6 years now and write regularly for UK jewellery magazines.
Am EVEN more lucky to have had my first jewellery making project book published. <insert shameless plug
I am also very appreciative to be part of the B'sue Design Team and have written a few tutorials there if you look next time you are on the site.
I love nature inspired pieces but also like the weird quirky and Steampunk too. I am a notoriously messy worker- like to be surrounded by LOTS of stuff - sometimes my 3 cattens "help" by rearranging things for me. Without me even asking. Occasionally onto the floor- see previous post the Importance of Putting lids on - a cautionary tale!
hard at work! photo credit Danny Fowler |
Here I am sat at my GINOURMOUS desk |
As a designer I think we are NEVER done learning- and Brenda has a LOT to teach us. So I decided to participate in the Challenge to give myself a boot up the backside and get on with making some jewellery lines to sell.
So without further ado- this is what I am working on for the Challenge.
I am developing an idea that I have used before- but always intended to expand a LOT on as there is so much scope for it.
Here is a bracelet I have made in the past- this one is called Dappled Light - using segments of my own photographs under resin and components from B'sue Boutiques.
Dappled Light Bracelet .Photo credit Danny Fowler |
So.. here are some photos I have been cutting up ..................
Looks like something is occuring here ........................
To see what I make remember to come back in a month for Hop 2!
And now please go and see what everyone else has been up to, remember to try and leave a comment so we can all see who has been visiting !
Here is the list- Get Hopping!
Brenda Sue Lansdowne, B'sue Boutiques
Marcia Tuzzolino
Jann Tague
Judy King
Linzi Alford
Cynthia Wainscott
Carole Carlson
Lynn Stinten
Marica Zammit
Catherine Shattuck
Michaele Collie
Mary Craig
Lee Koopman
Erin Whitacre
Monica Casady
Leila West
Cindy Peterson
Leila Belcher
Gloria Allen
Pamela Anger
Tammy Adams
Lynda O'Mara
Elizabeth Hildreth
Dana Hickey
Janet Calardo
Maria Clark
Lori Beekman
Jennifer Kroeger
Amy Jorgensen
Robin Reed
Ingrid Anderson
Louise O'Shields
Susan Killam
Mary Katherine Deis
Nike Bottalico
Susan Bowerman
Kristy Le
Jan Peters
Mitzie Crider
Gina Hockett
Linda Anderson
Alexandra Sefton
Melida Boman
Teresa Shurter
Melissa Latimer
Renee Hong
Nadine Edris
Lori Meyer
Jennifer Merrill Williams
Denise Lussier Poirier
Renee Allen
Autumn Adams
Elizabeth Owens
Kat BarronMiller
Sandra Ballard
Coral Law