Hello and welcome to my second ever blog post :)
Todays post is all about the "Warm Fuzzies" Blog Hop organised by my US Facebook friend Hilary Carrow Frye. We each bought a kit from B'Sue Boutiques consisting of a brass ox cuff, a mount and an acrylic cabochon.The theme was to create a piece that evoked "warm fuzzies" or to those who are unfamiliar with the term "something that evokes happiness and nice feelings". A warm fuzzy can be a compliment , a place, a thought or an emotion.
My cuff has a focal that is made from a photo that I took of the woods in Summer near my house. It's is my favourite ever photo and my best place to go and unwind. That day was perfect -the reflections in the river were beautiful and everything was just so , well green ! My little piece of heaven I think !
Here is the photograph that I took that inspired my cuff
and here are the photos of the cuff itself. I have embellished it with silk ribbon in green/woodland tones and added some tendrils of leaves and flowers, wanted a feeling of abandon as if the cuff was being overgrown and reclaimed by nature :)

Here are the rest of the Warm Fuzzy Blog-hop participants , please go over to their blogs and see what they came up with too ! :)
Hilary Frye - http://www.fryestyle.blogspot.com/
Brenda Sue Lansdowne http://www.bsueboutiques.typepad.com/
Harry Wood http://www.oscarcrow.blogspot.com/
Georgene Lockwood Sylvana Vintage designs http://sylvanavintagedesigns.wordpress.com/
Kate Mulligan
and Mike Mulligan of http://www.organicteabykate.com/ hosted by Hilarys Blog
Linzi Alford - MEEEEE ! www.facebook.com/magpieinthesky http://www.magpieintheskyspoilheaptales.blogspot.com/
Jeannie K Dukic Jewelry by Jeannie http://site.jkdjewelry.com/blog/
Kris Binsfeld Cherish Designs http://cherishdesigns.wordpress.com/
Sam Hamp Insanity Jewelry http://hampgirl59.blogspot.com/
Deb Bee Beetique http://www.beetique56.blogspot.com/
Margaret O Brien hosted By B'sue
Joan M Kelly Cosmik Souls Handcrafted jewelery (hosted by Fryestyle)
Beth Sacco as below
Kelly Allen as below
Carla Allen Warm and Fuzzy in CA www.bsaccos.blogspot.com
Lynette Lewis www.lynette-warmandfuzzycuffs@blogspot.com
If I have missed anyone please let me know in comments and I will add you :)
Reclaimed and abandonment are perfect to describe this beautiful cuff. You really captured the tones and "feel" of the picture. I love the prongs holding down the capsule. So pretty and thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteI love your cuff! Love the textures and colors! I can totally see how you brought out your inspiration in the cuff! Love it!
Love It !!! Like a looking glass into a gloriously dreamy green meadow. Love how you encircled the photo with tree like branches and leaves and the use of color and texture to finish this piece off. Such a pretty piece ... makes u feel as if u were the in that moment. Lovely !!!<3
ReplyDeleteI really loved this cuff especially the colors. It is great. :)
ReplyDeleteDeb Bee
What a beautiful cuff! You have managed to evoke the feeling of the image and translate it perfectly into a work of art!
ReplyDeleteVery Impressed! Show me more :)
Hi Linzi!
ReplyDeleteI'm getting a very dreamy vibe from this cuff. What a fabulous spot you have to unwind. I would capture that in art too! I like how you fully used the color green in your materials. And, I think the winding ribbon and wire tendrils are very symbolic of the natural world. Unruly and wild, beautiful.
I think you should name your piece. It truly is a work from your heart.
Hello Linzi,
ReplyDeleteYour cuff is truly a work of art. Green is my favorite color and I love what you did with it. Your cuff is like a window on nature. Brilliant!
Hi Linzi!
ReplyDeleteI think the "warm fuzzies" worked. It's sunny and melting today in Minnesota!
Thanks again for being an entrant in my first ever blog hop. I am really proud and happy of our creative accomplishments. If you haven't already, please make an effort to stop by and give your other blog hop teammates a "warm fuzzy" with a nice comment. I think we all deserve it for a job well done!
I wish each of you much success in your artistic activities. You know where I will be hanging out. Please stop by from time to time. You never know, I might just do this again!!